7. Dad and the Cat and the Tree

Dad and the Cat and the Tree

By Kit

with the Poem(
Page No: 110)

Why was Dad sure he wouldn’t fall?


Dad was sure he
wouldn’t fall because he thought himself as a climber and climbing on
trees was a child’s play for him.

Which phrase in the poem expresses Dad’s self-confidence best?


The phrase in the poem expresses Dad’s self-confidence best is ‘Child’s play,
this is!’

Describe Plan A and its consequences.


Plan A was to use the ladder in climbing the tree for bringing the cat down but
it slipped and Dad landed in the flower bed.

Plan C was a success. What went wrong then?


Plan C was a success
as Dad successfully jumped on the tree and landed flat right on the cat. The
cat gave a yell and sprang on the ground but poor old Dad struck on the tree.

The cat was very happy to be on the ground. Pick out the phrase used to express
this idea


The phrase used to
express this idea is ‘Pleased as Punch to be’.

Describe the Cat and Dad situation in the beginning and at the end of the poem.



The cat was stuck on
the tree and Dad was trying his plans to bring it down in the begining but at
the end of the poem the cat sprang to the ground safely but Dad got stuck on
the tree.

Why and when did Dad say each of the following?



Never mind

Funny joke



(i) Dad said ‘Fall?’
when Mum warned him about fall while climbing the tree. He said so scornfully.

(ii) Dad said ‘Never
mind’ when he fall from the ladder due to slip for the first time. He said so
to make clear that everything is alright.

(iii) Dad said ‘Funny
joke’ when Mum warned him of falling again. He said so because he was over
confident of the success of the his Plan B.

(iv) Dad said
‘Rubbish’ when Mum asked him to stop else he will break his neck after his Plan
B failed. He said so because he thought that his Plan C will work and he will
climb the tree easily.

Do you find the poem humorous? Read aloud lines which make you laugh.



Yes, the poem is
humorous. It draws funny situation of Dad while climbing trees. Moreover, Dad
over confidence of climbing tree added more humour to the poem. The dialogue is
written in more funny way.