3.Speech Writing: Environmental Pollution

By | July 9, 2021
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You are required to speak on ‘Pollution’ in the school morning assembly. Prepare your speech taking help from the following points. You may use ideas contained in the unit ‘Environment’. Write your answer in your answer sheet using not more than 120 words.


Environment —air —water—noise

 Sources of pollution—traffic—garbage

 Ecological balance—falling of trees— the building of dams— congested localities

Suggestions—Plantation—pooling— a shifting of factories and mills.


Environmental Pollution

Worthy Principal, teachers and dear students. Today I stand before you to speak on pollution. Environmental pollution is one of the major and serious problems that is being faced by developing countries. The ecological balance of the earth is being threatened by it. Air and water are polluted by the toxic constituents. Noise pollution has destroyed the calm and serenity of our surroundings.

The main sources of pollution are the increasing vehicular traffic and garbage. The petrol or diesel being used in the vehicles emits toxic smoke which contains lethal gases like carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide and nitrogen oxide. All those inhaling these gases contract deadly diseases. These are like bronchitis, asthma and other breathing problems. The accumulating garbage emits the foul smell. It is the birthplace of many contagious diseases. Various leather and chemical industries pollute both the air and the water by belching out poisonous smoke and effluents in watercourses.

The increasing feeling of trees, building of darns and upcoming of congested localities has played havoc with the dean environment. Human life is in real danger. We need to plant more trees at every possible patch of land. I understand that there is also a need of shifting industries and mills established in congested colonies to safer places. To control traffic carpools must be made so that the emission level from them is contained within prescribed levels.

Thank you all!

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