31.English Essay Example on : Pleasures of Reading or Reading for Pleasure

By | June 23, 2021
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Pleasures of Reading


Reading for Pleasure

 It is a well-recognized fact that most of the people in India, particularly in north India are not much interested in reading. Most of the people read only if they must. Students are encouraged by teacher to read just the books of their courses and nothing more and in many cases, and that quite pitiably, people shirk even buying books of courses. This is not true of paupers and poor people only. Even millionaires and those quite philanthropic and fond of donating money for good social purposes, fight shy of buying books for they are least interested in reading books and brushing or updating their knowledge.

Superstitions play a vital role in the people’s mental make-up in our country. Even educated people think that the ever-changing pattern of news of different kinds will shake their faith. In other words, they are not ready to accept reason as a guiding force in their life. They feel contented while remaining steeped in the dark alleys of blind faith and superstition.

 Reading books, however, is recommended not just for augmenting one’s knowledge Reading provides a sort of pleasure which is not attainable anywhere else. When a person starts reading a good novel such as one by Dickens or a fictional story such as by Ruskin Bond, one cannot desire to lay down the book till the story is finished.

Pleasure provided by good books is exhilarating and elevating. We should, however, beware of writings which are degenerative in nature. A judicious selection of books or the guidance of an experienced penal is necessary before we decide about the books that we should read. 3. Agriculture vs. Industrialization India is mainly an agricultural country. A vast majority of Indialtsve depends on agriculture. This is in one respect a good the thing because when agriculture is the base of society anywhere and government only need formulate some effective agricultural polio then food problem can easily be solved.

In a country like India which has virtually an unmanageable population, food remained a major problem for a long time after Independence. It was only because she had a viable peasantry and land that could be used for agriculture, in short, an agricultural base, that saved the country from disaster by culminating all efforts in the Green Revolution.

However, agriculture can assure only limited progress. As is well-known, man does not live by bread alone. Moreover, in the modem competitive world, a country depending entirely on agriculture cannot make much headway. England, for instance, was once on agricultural country, but is now a thorough-going industrialized country.

 In the modem world man needs so many things besides food like clothing, housing, medical facilities, education, health-care, employment, items of luxury and usage for various purposes such as TV, AC, refrigerator, telephone, gas oven, computer, books etc.

It is clear that only industrialization can deliver the goods. Our country can become rich only if we have good exports and that is only possible through industrialization.

 We need steel, cement, etc. for infrastructure. In short, we need heavy as well as small-scale industry. In India, industrialization and agriculture can go hand in hand as both are virtually interdependent. Moreover, we can set up several agro-based industries such as sugar and cotton mills, paper mills, food processing, etc.

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