13. Letter Example Regarding : Insanitary Conditions

By | October 6, 2021
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 Write a letter to the District Health Officer informing him about the insanitary conditions in your street.





The District Health Officer




Our street is a virtual hell on earth. There is nobody who conies to sweep the street. I haven’t seen the street sweeper, if any, for years, not to speak of months.

The street is full of pits and puddles where dirty water collects and the flies and mosquitoes have their festal time. The drainage system is defective and dirty water spills over the street on all sides.

No sanitary inspector has ever visited our street. With the passage of time, the people have grown indifferent and careless. They throw rubbish right in the street instead of disposing of it in some other way.

Some drastic steps should be taken to save the people of our street from the imminent epidemic of some disease as the rainy season is approaching fast. Thank you.

(Yours faithfully)


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