English Language Study Verbs Rules & Exercises No- 65,66,67&68 (Solved/Unsolved)

By | November 9, 2021
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Direction: Select the most suitable form of the given verbs to fill in the blanks:                                                                                                                                          

1.…………. (Have) become a saint, Ananda started ………….. (wear) saffron robes. Soon he became very learned. His fame spread far and wide.  ………….. (attract) by his personality, several young men came (become) his disciples. ……………  (help) the poor became his mission. He taught his followers ………….. (help) the needy.                                                                                                                           

2.…………. (know) little about gorillas, we want ……………. (know) a great deal more about them. Travellers have seen a male gorilla …………. (help) a female climb up a steep rock. According to the observers, they make love in the same way that humans do… (make) a pile of their food and they sit down ………… (eat) it in a group.                                                                                                       

3. Gorillas have good eyesight but are deficient in both…………. (hear) and ……….. (smell). In the face of danger, the male gorilla prefers………… (stay) behind while his family members get away. At this time the male gorilla is used………. (make) a …………. (terrify) roar. 


  1. Having, wearing, Attracted. to become. Helping, to help.
  2. Knowing, to know, helping, Making, to eat.
  3. the hearing, smelling, to stay, to make, terrifying.

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Directions:- Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verbs given in the brackets:                        

(i)The sun……………. when we went out.    (Shine)

 (a)was shining               (b)are shining                 (c)am shining                    (d)none of these.

(ii)I ………… already that he is going to say no to my proposal.         (Know)

 (a)is knowing                 (b)am knowing              (c)are knowing                 (d)know.

(iii)I ………….. here for the last two years.  (Live)

(a)has been living           (b)have been living        (c)are living                   (d)none of these.

(iv)She was reading the newspaper when her brother ………….. home. (Come)

  (a)comes                         (b)came                        (c)has come                 (d)none of these.

(v)He usually …………… the newspaper at breakfast.     (Read)

(a)reads                            (b)read                          (c)has read                 (d)none of these.

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Direction: Select the most suitable form of the given verbs to fill in the blanks:

1.………………. (be) sick for a long time, Aruna stopped ……………….(take) interest in anything. She just kept on ……………… (think) about her illness. She would not listen to any advice. She developed a habit of  ………………  (argue) endlessly.  ………………… (know) that it was more a mental problem than a physical one, a specialist began ………………(treat) her on these lines. Ans. Being. taking, thinking, arguing.  Knowing to treat.

2. Select the correct form of a verb:-

  1. Bread and butter (is/are) important for us.
  2. Either you or she (has/have) made a mistake.
  3. Each of the students (was/were) given a report card.
  4. The great writer and poet (is/are) dead.

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1.Underline verbs in the following sentences and tell whether the verb is transitive or intransitive

1. The sun shines brightly.
2. The boy cut his hand with a knife.
3. The moon rose early.
4. Tell the truth.
5. Birds fly in the air.

2. Choose the correct auxiliary verbs given in the brackets and fill in the blanks:
1.Children_______ to respect their parents. ( must, ought)
2.We_____ know about everything. ( shall, should)
 3. He _____ play with me when we were children ( need, used to)
 4. ____ you please solve my problem? ( will, would)

3. Underline the verbs in the following sentences and tell their kinds:
1. He sells handkerchief.
2. Preeti is looking very beautiful.
3. The driver stopped the train.
4. Apple tastes sweet.

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