Idioms Dictionary With Meaning and Sentences Part 16

By | July 1, 2021


1. To upset the apple cart

Meaning: –to disturb the peace

Use:-His tricks have upset the apple can of his rival.

2. Apple pie order

Meaning: –in perfect order)

Use:- keep all my things in an apple pie order.

3. To be tied to his mother’s apron strings

Meaning: – to be under the control and influence of his mother

Use:As he is tied to his mother’s apron strings, he cannot take any decision by himself.

4. Arcadian life

Meaning: –A blissfully happy rural and simple life

Use:-People living in big cities are not acquainted with the Arcadian life.

5. To keep a person at arm’s length

Meaning: – to avoid coming in contact with a person

Use:- I always keep selfish friends at arm’s length.

6. To take up arms

Meaning: –to fight; to go to war

Use:-Bhagat Singh took up arms against the British Rule.

7. To receive with open arms

Meaning: –to welcome cordially

Use: – My friend in Mumbai received me with open arms.

8. Attic salt [refined subtle wit

Meaning: –for which the Athenians were famous

Use:-Among the scholarly circles, he is known as a man of attic salt.

9. To cleanse the Aegean stables

Meaning: –to effect great improvements in government, or to abolish great abuses

Use:- To remove corruption is like cleansing the Augean stables.

10. To have an axe to grind

Meaning: –to have some selfish objective in view

Use:-Behind his offer of help, he has an axe to grind.

11. Not to know B from a bull’s foot

Meaning: –to be ignorant of even the simplest things

Use:-He cannot succeed in life as he does not know B from bull’s foot.

12. A Babel

Meaning: –A confused noise

Use:-I was disturbed by a Babel of voices from the next room.

13. lb break the back of anything

Meaning: –to perform the most difficult part of it

Use:- I have broken the backbone of the problem.

14. To backbite a person

Meaning: –to slander or to speak ill of someone

Use:-He is in the habit of backbiting others.

15. To get one’s back up

Meaning: –to rouse one’s anger

Use:-By making a noise, the students got the teacher’s back up.

16. He is the backbone of his team

Meaning: –he is the one on whom his team mainly relies for its successes

Use:-Viral is the backbone of our cricket team.

17. He has no backbone

Meaning: –he has no will of his own

Use: –A henpecked husband has no backbone.

18. Backstairs influence

Meaning: – the influence exerted in an underhand or clandestine manner

Use:-He went scot-free it the case because of his backstairs influence.

19. To cause bad blood

Meaning: –to cause strife and enmity

Use:-The land dispute has caused bad blood between the two brothers.

20. A bad egg

Meaning: –a bad penny a worthless fellow

Use:-He has proved a bad egg/penny in his family.

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