Phrases and Idioms Exercise No. 5

By | July 1, 2021


In the following exercise, a sentence is given in which a phrase has been italicized and kept in a bracket, followed by some alternatives. You are required to choose that best alternative which expresses the meaning of the italicized phrase.

1.The old father (brought home) the moral of unity by asking each of his sons to break the bundle of sticks. (Stenographers’ Exam, 1995)

 (a) voiced

 (b) declared

 (c) emphasized

(d) suggested      

2. I cannot (conceive) of a time when I was without a refrigerator.

 (a) understand

(b) imagine

(c) depend

(d) wait for

3. The case was (held overdue) to the great opposition to it.

 (a) cancelled

 (b) dropped

(c) postponed

(d) stopped

4. If the does not agree with your views, the best way is to (fall in) with him.

(a) agree

(b) quarrel

(c) dissociate

 (d) agree      

5. As is expected of him, Macho is sure to (work up) the mob.

 (a) excite

 (b) influence

(c) browbeat

 (d) tackle

6. At my friend’s tea party I (fell in) with a strange fellow.

(a) had a quarrel with

 (b) met accidentally

 (c) had an argument with

(d) made friends with

7. I( ran out of )money on my European tour. (Stenographers’ Exam, 1993)

 (a) carried a lot of

(b) lost

 (c) did not have enough

 (d) exhausted my steels of

8. There is no need try (rake up) an old quarrel.

(a) end

 (b) forget

(c) revive

 (d) start

9. There bels (held out) for about a month. (Section Officers, 1993)

(a) bargained

(b) resisted

(c) retreated

 (d) waited 

10. He always (runs down) his brother only because the latter is poor.

(a) quarrels with

 (b) disagrees with

(c) influences adversely

(d) disparages

11. Men generally get (broken down) in old age.

(a) helpless

 (b) frustrated

 (c) fail in health

 (d) have poor financial conditions

12. He (dashed off) three letters in ten minutes.

(a) wrote

 (b) went through

 (c) packed up

(d) dispatched


1.(c)         2. (b)

3. (c)        4. (a)

5. (a)       6. (6)

7. (d)       8. (c)

9. (b)       10. (d)

11. (c)     12. (a)

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