Reported Speech Rules, Examples and worksheet No.10

By | March 21, 2022
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Reported Speech Rules, Examples and worksheet No.10 3

Click here for “Direct Indirect Speech Rules Chart”


1. Read the given conversation and complete the following passage:

Anita: What do you want to do this morning?

Prakash:   I feel like taking a walk. It’s so nice outside.

Anita: Great, like let’s walk around the lake in the park.

Prakash:   It’s really rocky here.

Anita: Yes, watch your steps so you don’t trip.

Anita asked Prakash (a) ________. Prakash answered that he (b) ________ because it was so nice outside. Anita agreed to this and suggested they should (c) _______ _. Then Prakash observed that (d)____ _. Anita cautioned him to watch his steps. (2011-410017,32)

2. Read the given conversation and complete the following passage:

Receptionist:  Yes, what can I do for you?

Visitor: I want to meet the manager Mr Rao. Can I have an appointment right now?

Receptionist: I don’t think so. He is not here at the moment.

The receptionist asked the visitor (a) ______. The visitor replied that he (b)_____ and asked (c)_______  . The receptionist told him it was not possible because (d)_______


1.(a) what he wanted to do that morning      (b) felt like taking a walk.

(c) walk around the lake in the park.             (d) it was really rocky there.

2.(a) what she could do for him                     

(b) wanted to meet the manager, (Mr ROY)

(c) if he could have an appointment right then

 (d) he was not there at the moment

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