74. Reading Skills Comprehension: Our Beautiful Ecosystem

By | July 8, 2021
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Our Beautiful Ecosystem

Read the passages given below and answer the questions that follow them:         

Our beautiful Sun bright ecosystem is being systematically damaged by industrial pollution channelled into rivers like the Ganga and Yamuna, nuclear wastes from atomic plants muted into the world’s oceans, and poisonous gases such as carbon dioxide mixed with the ozonosphere. Besides, tropical rain forests and green pastures are disappearing under the pressure of a proliferating population. Dams are being built over the rivers like the Narmada to change nature’s well-balanced surface equations between flora and fauna, and sloping mountainous terrain is being converted into mini oceans to supply electricity to the ever-starving industrial stomach of our age. Elephants, tigers, the wild rhinos of South Africa and many other forest creatures have become endangered species.

 Consumerism has created a garbage glut in the world. Consumers in industrialised countries throw out staggering amounts of refuse like cartons, butts of cigarettes, polythene bags and plastic containers which mix with the waters of rivers and oceans and fertile crop-yielding soil of the earth. It is estimated that each consumer throws out nearly 1.5 kilograms of refuse each day, and most of it pollutes the water he drinks and the air he breathes. Americans alone toss out 160 million tonnes each year, which is enough to cover a thousand acres of land with mountains of garbage.

Word-Meaning: Ecosystem— environmental system, पर्यावरण प्रडाली Systematically— after making a plan,  योजनाबंद तरीके से Channelled—directed towards की तरफ भेज दिया गया है  Routed— sent, भेज दिया गया है Tropical— hot and wet regions,गरम और आद्र प्रदेश  Pastures— grassy lands, चरगाह Proliferating— growing very fast,  तेज़ी से बढती हुई Flora and fauna— plant and animal kingdoms, वनस्पति एवं जीव जन्तु Terrain— natural features of an area of land, भूमि का भाग , उसकी भोतिक विशेसताओ के सन्दर्भ में Starving— hungry, भूखी Endangered— in danger of extinction,लुप्त होने के खतरे में  Species— a group of animals or plants that can breed together, जनप्रजाति Consumerism— cult of buying and using things,उपभोग्ताबाद  Garbage glut— huge supply of filth, अत्येधिक गंदगी Staggering— amazing, हैरानजनक


  1. How is our beautiful ecosystem damaged?
  2. What happens to nuclear wastes from atomic plants?
  3. Why are rainforests and green pastures disappearing?
  4. What has consumerism created?
  5. Find a word from the passage that means ‘garbage’.


  1. Our ecological system is damaged by industrial pollution channelled into rivers like the Ganga and Yamuna, nuclear wastes from atomic plants and poisonous gases.
  2. The nuclear wastes from atomic plants are routed into the oceans.
  3. Rainforests and green pastures are disappearing due to population explosion.
  4. Consumerism has created a garbage glut.
  5. Refuse.

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