59. Reading Skills Comprehension: Mode of Exercise

By | July 3, 2021
Mode of Exercise

Mode of Exercise

Read the following passages and answer the questions given at the end of each:

For a student, walking is preferable to all exercises. The advantage of this mode of exercise is that it is simple. The apparatus is all at hand. You need not wait for the importation of machinery. It is in the open air that the lungs can at once receive the pure air of heaven and the eyes gaze upon hill and dale, upon trees and flowers, upon the objects inanimate and animate. The very objects of sights and sounds cheer the mind and raise the spirit. Another advantage of walking is that you can have a friend to walk with the unbend the mind with pleasant conversation. Once try the method of walking with a friend regularly for a few weeks and you will be surprised at the marvellous results. On those afternoons when the study is not required, be sure to take a long walk and lay up health for days to come.

Questions :

(a) What is preferable to all exercises for a student?

(b) What is the advantage of walking?

(c) What cheers the mind and raise the spirit?

(d) What is the advantage of walking with a friend?

(e) What will regular walk with a friend give you?

 (f) What is the author’s advice to the people who are free?

Answers :

(a) For a student, walking is preferable to all exercises.

(b) The advantage of walking is that it is simple.

(c) The natural objects all-around cheer the mind and raise the spirit.

(d) The advantage of walking with a friend is that we can have a pleasant conversation.

 (e) Regular walk with a friend will give us marvellous results.

(f) The author’s advice to the people who are free is that they must be sure to take a long walk.

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