17. Short Essay and Article on : Can DTH Classrooms Ever Replace Schools or Colleges

By | October 5, 2021
Why technology111 edumantra.net

Home lessons relayed on TV channels are no substitute for actual classrooms. Write an article in 150-200 words on ‘Can DTH Classrooms ever replace schools or colleges?’

 Ans.                                     Can DTH Classrooms Ever Replace Schools or Colleges

by Jyoti

 Our classrooms are changing and without a doubt, they will look quite different in a few years from what they look today. There is an onslaught of technology in our lives. The questions which were once reserved for teachers are solved by Google God just with a click of a mouse, the stories which were hidden in books are today visible on the laptop or LCD screens. Personalized tech-infused learning is the future of education. But the question, we need to ask ourselves, is that can DTH classrooms ever replace schools and colleges? Can computers replace a teacher? Can technology replace the human connection, human emotion and human touch which are the most important elements of education?

 As we witness the growth of DTH classrooms, it is a tragedy that lessons relayed on TV channels are now more trusted than lessons given in a classroom. But the truth is that a classroom is a space for learning and the aim of education is learning for life. It is for this reason that schools and colleges are called educational institutions so as to equip individuals with values and skills for living a productive and purposeful life. Technology, be it in the form of gadgets or DTH lessons, can only be a complementary element in education, it can never replace or even be a substitute for a classroom of a school or college. The most important element of a school or college is the interaction with other students and teachers which gives us space to learn from each other and help develop our personality but a DTH classroom doesn’t provide us with a teacher. The palpability between a teacher and a student is a human connection. Teachers are leaders, mentors and facilitators. They provide their students with encouragement and lead by example by becoming their role models. It is this learning that helps a child live a purposeful life.

A DTH classroom may give information but a school or college gives a hand, an ear, and space to discern which are necessary for a student’s success. So DTH classrooms may play a critical role in the future education system but not as big as the role of schools and colleges.

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