163. Reading Skills Comprehension: Digital Interaction

By | July 12, 2021
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Digital Interaction

Read the following passage carefully.

 Over 60% of doctors in the country now prefer one out of three times, digital interaction with t patients as against the traditional face-to-face interaction, indicating a trend where What’s App, messages and emails are increasingly being used for consultations. This is slightly lower, but in keep with the trend in the United States, Japan and China, where a greater number of healthcare profession (HCPs) — in certain markets, over 90% — have switched to the digital medium, using WeChat, blogs, email and text messaging to engage with patients for follow-up.

 Also, a majority of doctors — globally 60% — demand drug companies combine the use of digit tablets and iPads along with direct interaction when medical representatives (MRs) are detailing the portfolio of medicines. These findings are part of the Digital Savvy HCP (Healthcare Practitioner) 2015, an annual global survey on the digital habits of doctors across the United States, Japan, China and India, by healthcare solutions firm Indegene, shared exclusively with TOI.

The survey involved more than 1,600 healthcare professionals across the globe, with 67% speciality doctors, and the remaining 33% general practitioners. In India, over 300 doctors were part of the survey with more than 10 years of experience, practising in tier 1 and tier 2 places across the country.

The survey found that 76% of doctors in the US prefer personal interaction (of field force) along with detailing with the tablet, while the corresponding figure in India is 90%.

As against this, doctors in India prefer a face-to-face detailing with their digital tablets, wherein they, meet Mrs in their clinics and the latter is equipped with detailing on their tablets/iPads.

 Globally, drug companies are increasingly switching to digital channels like emails, websites, web apps and text messages due to compliance requirements, the survey says, adding 34% of physicians globally value the smartphone as a key resource in seeking medical information. Other devices by doctors are laptops, PCs and tablets. India sees less than half the global usage of smartphones doctors), while the most preferred device for doctors here is laptops (34%).

(a) On the basis of your reading of the above passage make notes on it, using headings and subhead Use recognizable abbreviations (wherever necessary — a minimum of four) and a format you co suitable. Also, supply an appropriate title to it.

 (b) Write a summary of the passage in about 80 words.

 Ans. (a) Doctors and the Digital Interaction

I. The growing preference for digital interaction

 (i) preferred by 60% of doctors

 (ii) choosing above face-to-face interaction with patients

 (iii) choice of WhatsApp, text msg and emails messaging

(iv) used for consultancy

 (v) figures at par with the trend in China, Japan, US & China

II. Usage in other countries

(i)90% of IrICP use method health care professionals

(ii) choice of WeChat, blogs, email, text msg

(iii) engaging with patients for follow-up

 III. Usage among doctors globally

(i)60% global demand to drug companies

(ii) use of digital tablets and iPads along with direct consultancy

 (iii) used by MRs when detailing portfolio of medicines

(iv) demand by HCPs of 2015

IV. The findings of Indegene company

(i)a survey conducted on 16 HCPs globally

 (ii) included 67% specialists 33% GPs

(iii) 300 Indian doctors with 10 years experience

(iv) ranged across tier I and tier II cities in India

V. Findings of the team

(i) 76% of US doctors prefer personal interaction+tablet usage

(ii) Indian doctors

(iii) A. prefer face-to-face detailing with tablet

B. prefer meeting in clinics

(iv) prefer smartphone for keeping medical info

VI. Findings of drug companies

(i)inc switching to emails, websites, webinars, apps, msg

(ii) Indian doctors use half of the world usage

 (iii) the most preferred device: laptops

Key to Abbreviations
Msg                messaging

 MRs     Medical Representatives

HCPs  health care professionals

GPs    general practitioners

  +       Plus

 Info       information

(b) Summary

Indian doctors, like those in the US, Japan and China, prefer digital usage during patient interaction. Among HCPs, 90% showed a preference for digital usage, while engaging with patients for follow-up. Also, 60% of doctors demand digital usage by medical representatives of drug companies. The Indegene company’s survey of 300 Indian doctors with decade-long experience, in tier I & II cities, showed a preference for tablets during patient contact and smartphones for keeping information. Drug companies found that half of the digital users were Indian doctors and their preferred gadget was laptops.

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