86.Short Story: The Clever Jester

By | March 21, 2022
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A king was very fond of a particular jester ……….the jester amused the king ……….one day his remarks displeased his Majesty ………..the jester was to be hanged was asked of his last will…….. he chose a natural death……… Moral.

Ans:-                                           THE CLEVER JESTER (CLOWN)

Once a king ruled over a large kingdom. He had a big royal court. He had many jesters in his court. They all amused him with their funny jokes. But the king was fond of a particular jester. He was the king’s favourite.

One day the court was in full swing. The king was seated on his royal throne. The favourite jester of the king said something which displeased the king. The king lost his temper. He ordered that the jester be hanged till death. It surprised the courtiers and the nobles. They begged for the life of the jester. But the king was firm in his decision. No amount of pleading could change it. The jester, too, on his own pleaded the king to spare his life. But the king did not relent (soften).

The actual day of the hanging arrived. The jester was brought to the gallows. He wept bitterly. He fell on the feet of the king. This made the king ask at least for the last wish of the condemned jester. The jester implored in a very humble way, “Your Majesty pardon me. I will not utter a single word in my whole life.”

As per custom and the law of the land the king asked him, ‘In which way do you like your death.” Pat came to the reply that he wanted a natural death.

This amused the king. He began to laugh. He pardoned the jester. His chains were removed. He was set at liberty. It was his presence of mind which had secured his release, otherwise, his hanging was as sure as the death itself.

Moral: Quick-wittedness does pay handsomely.

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