32.Short Story : The Wise Judge

By | July 12, 2021
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Using the outline given below, write a story in 200-250 words and also give it a suitable heading.

Hints: A young man sets out on a journey —gives under a peepal tree 100 gold coins to a Brahman, a neighbour to keep till his return — comes back after many many years — asks the Brahman for his gold coins — Brahman asserts he never gave him any gold coins — young man reports to the judge —judge calls in the court — hears the case —Tells the young man to call the peepal tree as a witness — the young man went away — A long time passed — the judge wondered why the young man took so long — the tree is very far away from here said the Brahman — the judge came to know — young man’s story was really —gave the verdict in young man’s favour

Ans.                                                                     The Wise Judge

Once a young man set out on a journey. Before leaving, he gave a hundred gold coins to his neighbour to keep till his return. Their transaction took place under a peep& tree. The neighbour, a Brahmin, readily agreed to do so. The young man returned home after many many years. He went to the Brahman and asked for his gold coins. The Brahmin flatly refused. He told the young man he had never given him any gold coins. At last the young man approached the judge. The judge heard the whole case and told the young man to call that peepal tree under which this transaction had taken place. The young man left at once. A long time passed but the young man did not return. The judge showed impatience and wondered why the young man had ‘ taken so long to return. At this, the Brahmin replied that it was because the peepal tree was far away from here. The judge understood at once that the young man’s complaint was absolutely genuine. He gave the verdict in the young man’s favour.

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