15. Reading Skills Comprehension: Fire

By | July 3, 2021
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Read the Passage carefully and answer the following Questions:-

The fire has been worshipped in ancient cultures worldwide. In Greek Mythology, Prometheus is said to ‘have stolen fire from heaven. He brought it down to earth for human use. Fire is the spirit of the Sun. It is the purest of all elements on earth. It clears darkness which is the region of the evil spirit. It is always moving upwards. It is compassionate when controlled, but it is merciless in destruction when out of control. Moreover, it is the most human of all elements — it is used in the service of human beings. An animal has no use of fire. It is used in cooking, in forging ploughs and swords, in kilns for building houses etc. It has made human cultural evolution on earth possible.


1. Who brought fire to earth?

 (a) Lord Vishnu                       (b) the fire God

 (c) Prometheus                      (d) a great scientist

2. Name the purest of all elements on earth.

(a) fire                                     (b)air

(c) milk                                                (d) water

3. Darkness represents to —————-

 (a) the region of the evil spirit

(b) the region of the good spirit

(c) the region of the heaven God

(d)the region of the fire God

4. When is fire useful for us?

(a) when out of control

(b) when tinder control

(c) when huge flames rise

(d)when it produces much heat and light

5. Which one is not the use of fire?

(a) cooking food 

(b) forging ploughs and swords

 (c) used in kiln for building houses

(d) making us to breathe

6. When does fire become merciless in destruction?

(a) when it is out of control

(b) when under control

 (c) when it bums, slowly

(d) when burnt in houses

Answers :


2. (a),

3. (a),

4. (b),

5. (d),

6. (a).

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