Gap Filling Exercises for class 8 (Solved)Exercise-41&42

By | July 13, 2021
gap filling


 Read the following conversation and fill in the blanks to complete the passage given below.

Teacher to Rohan: Why are you late? What a troublesome boy you are!

Rohan   : Sir, I am sorry. It won’t happen again.

Teacher : Have you no watch or clock at home to find out proper time?

The teacher asked Rohan (a) _____ and exclaimed that (b) _____. Rohan said he was sorry and (c) _____but the teacher continued in rage and asked Rohan if he had no watch or clock at home to find out proper time.


(a) why he was late.

(b) he was a very troublesome boy.

(c) promised that it won’t happen again

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Look at the notes given below and complete the paragraph that follows by choosing the correct options:                                                                                                            

facts about ants – amazing – more so- their names – ants’ brain – processing power – like a computer – some birds – drop ants inside their feathers – reason – the ants squirt formic acid – it removes the parasites – crazy ants – habit of running here and there erratically – weaver ants – famous – communication and nest building  behaviour.  

The facts about ants are simply amazing. The ant’s brain (a) _______. Some birds drop ants inside their feathers because (b) _______. Crazy ants have the (c) _______ Weaver ants are well known for their (d) _______ .

(a)(i) has a processing power like a computer.

(ii) has a processive power like a computer.

(iii) having being a processing power like a computer.

(iv) haven’t a processing power like a computer.

(b)(i)  the formic acid squirted by the ants will not remove parasites.

(ii) the formic acid squirted by the ants removes parasites.

(iii)  the formic acid squirted by the ants helps to change the colour of the parasites.

(iv) the formic acid squirted by the ants is used by the parasites.

(c) (i) habit of running here and there erratically.

(ii)habit of running here and there happily.

(iii)habit of sleeping all the time.

(iv) habit of jumping from the nests.

(d) (i) communication and creativity.

 (ii) communication and nest building behaviour.

(iii) communication and ability to kill parasites.

(iv)communication and parenting.


(a) —> (i) has a processing power like a computer

(b) —> (ii) the formic acid squirted by the ants removes parasites

(c) —>   (i) habit of running here and there erratically

(d) —> (ii) communication and nest building behaviour

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