Rearranging Jumbled Words Exercises 1 and 2

By | July 13, 2021
images 59


Rearrange the following words and phrases to form meaningful sentences

(a) Africa I in I Tanzanians / literacy rate / the / have / highest

 (b) read / hardly / have / to / they / anything / but

 (c) the / and / are / costs / soaring / paper / the / the / interest rates / reasons / of

 (d) have / they / standstill / the / to / a / brought / publishing industry      


(a) In Africa, Tanzanians have the highest literacy rate.

 (b) But they hardly have anything to read.

 (c) The reasons are the soaring costs of paper and interest rates.

 (d) They have brought the publishing industry to a standstill.

Download the above Rearranging Exercises in PDF (Printable)


Rearrange the following words and phrases to form meaningful sentences. The first one has been done for you as an example.  

(a) very / became / dinosaurs / heavy / the

(b) land / on / result / as / a / could not / them / their legs / the / support

 (c) water / but / alternative / be / a / could / fine

 (d) most / and / swamps / spent / rivers / they / so / their time / of / in  


(a) The dinosaurs became very heavy.

 (b) As a result, their legs could not support them on the land.

 (c) But water could be a fine alternative.

 (d) So, most of their time they spent in swamps and rivers.

Download the above Rearranging Exercises in PDF (Printable)