63. Reading Skills Comprehension: Ancient Time

By | July 6, 2021


From ancient times, people have considered the lion as a wonderful animal. A full-grown male lion looks majestic and strong with its beautiful, thick, bushy mane. People admire the lion so much that he has been called the king of all wild animals and has found an important place in the art and literature of the world. Long ago, the lions were found everywhere in India. Today they are confined to Gir forests of Kathiawar. Their number has declined considerably due to the indiscriminate killing by the people who hunt them for sport. The lions live in groups called pride. A pride may have four or more, sometimes even twenty lions of all ages. The lioness in a pride does most of the killing.                                                                      

Answer the following questions briefly:

1. What makes the lion look majestic?

2. Why do people call the lion the king of all wild animals?

3. Where are lions found in India today?

4. Why has the number of lions gone down considerably?

5. Who does most of the killing for the group?

6. Which word in the passage means ‘limited’?

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